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- Application type information
You should make an application for commercial, industrial and non-residential development if your proposal covers, shops, warehouses, factories and so on.
You can get help and advice from our Duty Planner on commercial, industrial and non-residential development and other types of planning applications.
You can get detailed feedback on your proposal by using our pre-application advice service.
- Documents that are always required
You must submit the following as part of your planning application:
- Documents that are sometimes required
Depending on the details of your application, you may have to submit one or more of the following documents and information:
- Members and employees; On your application you must tell us if you are a Member of Braintree District Council or employed by us. We will determine any applications from Members or employees at a Planning Committee meeting.
- Air quality statement; needed if your application is for a development that:
- may be exposed to poor air quality
- may result in emission to air which reduce air quality.
- Amendment statement; needed if you are applying for revisions to an approved application
- Contamination risk assessment; needed if your application is for:
- a residential development (houses, flats, nursing homes etc.)
- allotments
- children's play areas
- playing fields
- mixed use developments including vulnerable end uses
- nurseries, crèches and schools
- Design and access statement; needed if your application is for
- a major development
- one or more dwellings in a conservation area
- new buildings in a conservation area over 100m2
- development in a World Heritage site.
- Environmental impact assessment; needed for
- any major development which is of more than local importance
- any developments which is proposed for a particularly environmentally sensitive or vulnerable location
- any development with unusually complex and potentially hazardous environmental effects
- Listed Building Sections; needed if your application includes:
- works at upper floor levels, where accommodation is being created beneath the roof. For example within the attic of a house, or the creation of first floor accommodation within a barn conversion
- attaching new signage to a listed building. Your listed building section drawings must show how you will attach the sign
- Flood risk assessment; needed if your application is for a development:
- of more 1 hectare or more in Flood Zone 1
- is located in Flood Zones 2 and 3
- in an area the Environment Agency or the Internal Drainage Boards have indicated there may have drainage problems
- Foul sewage assessment; needed if you application is for:
- a major development
- a proposal to change or replace the existing system
- create a new system
- Fume, Extraction and Ventilation; needed if your application:
- proposes to incorporate a ventilation or extraction system
- is for an A3 restaurant or cafe
- is for an A4 drinking establishment
- is for an A5 Hot food take away establishment
- is for any development that includes a commercial kitchen
- Infrastructure and utilities assessment; needed if your application is for a major development
- Landscape impact assessment; needed if your application is for a major development
- in the countryside
- on the edge of an existing residential development
- Lighting Assessment; needed if your application proposes to incorporate or need lighting.
- Major application; needed if your proposal falls under the status of major development
- Marketing appraisal; needed if your application is for:
- the removal of agricultural occupancy conditions
- the loss of commercial premises in the countryside
- the residential re-use of rural buildings in the countryside
- in urban areas, a change of use from an B1 (office), A1 (shop), C1 (hotel) or D2 (leisure) use to a non-employment/community use
- the loss of a village public house
- Noise impact assessment; needed if your application is for
- industrial or commercial uses near to residential property
- new residential property near to transportation noise sources
- new residential property near to existing industrial or commercial premises where industrial noise is the dominant source
- new entertainment premises near to residential property
- new residential property near to places of entertainment
- Open space, other S106 contributions and management plans; needed for all major development applications
- Phasing plans; needed for all major development applications where the:
- development is to be built out in phases rather than in one go
- development is for mixed use
- development includes community benefits
- Proposed site drainage strategy; needed for all major development applications
- Refuse strategy; needed if you application is for a development that needs bin storage, including all new dwellings
- Retail impact assessment; needed if your application is for:
- a retail and leisure development over 2,500 square metres gross floor space
- a retail and leisure development less than 2,500 square metres floor space that is likely to have a significant impact on shopping centres
- other town centre uses when they are in an edge of centre or out of centre location and not in accordance with the local development plan
- Sequential assessment; needed if your application is for a retail or leisure development, not in an existing centre. Different size criteria apply for different areas:
- More than 1000 square metres gross affecting the Great Notley District Centre
- 1500 square metres gross affecting Halstead and Witham town centre
- 2500 square metres gross affecting Braintree town centre
- 500 square metres gross affecting a local centres
- Site levels; needed if your application is to
- is to amend a condition that refers to site levels
- is to discharge a condition that refers to site levels
- is to remove or vary a condition that refers to site levels
- is a proposal where there is a change in levels which would have a material effect in the locality
- Statement of community involvement; needed for all major development applications
- Structural survey; needed if your application:
- is for a listed building where the structural condition of the building requires it
- is for a building to be converted to a new use
- involves substantial demolition
- Transport assessment and travel plan; needed if your application is for a proposal that is likely to have significant transport implications
- Tree assessment; needed if your application includes works to protected tree(s).
- Viability appraisal; needed if your application:
- is for the loss of commercial premises in the countryside
- includes a proposal for a reduced S106 contribution