Fume, extraction and ventilation - Planning validation requirements

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A fume, extraction and ventilation assessment provides additional detail when an application includes ventilation or extraction systems. 


The assessment report you submit should include an executive summary and be clear, easy to read and jargon free. 

Your fume, extraction and ventilation assessment must include: 

  • details of the ventilation and fume extraction systems on any plans and elevations 
  • the manufacturers specifications 
  • an acoustic report outlining details of background noise levels, measures to mitigate noise, fume emissions and vibration 

If your application is for a change of use [link to entry in this directory] to A3 (Restaurants), A4 (Drinking Establishments), A5 (Hot Food Take Away), C1 (Hotels) or D1 (Schools) you need to also submit: 

  • details of refuse storage and removal 
  • details of hours and days of operation 
  • intended number of covers for restaurants, such as tables and chairs and an indicative seating layout 

If you are planning to install an extraction unit, you can find out more information by reading our information on Noise Impact Assessment. 

When you need to submit this information

Mandatory requirement 

You must always submit a fume, extraction and ventilation assessment if your application includes a ventilation or extraction system.  

You do not have to submit a fume, extraction and ventilation assessment if you are making a householder application. 

Conditional requirement 

Depending on the details of your application, you may have to submit a fume, extraction and ventilation assessment when you are submitting an application for: 

If your application is for a change of use to  

  • A3 restaurants and cafes 
  • A4 drinking establishments 
  • A5 hot food take away 
  • C1 hotels 
  • D1 schools 
  • you need to also submit: 
  • details of refuse storage and removal 
  • details of hours and days of operation 
  • intended number of covers for restaurants, such as tables and chairs and an indicative seating layout 
Validation requirements

Required by 

  • National requirement. You can find details of this requirement in sections 8, 9 15 and 16 of the National Planning Policy Framework 
  • Local plan policy - LPP70
  • Local plan policy - LPP52
  • Local plan policy - LPP42
  • Local plan policy - LPP63

These policies can be found in the Local Plan 2013 - 2033 document