Agricultural development - Planning validation requirements

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Application type information


Farms are covered by the same planning regulations as other types of property. Some planning rules include special conditions for agricultural buildings and land. 

You need planning permission if: 

  • you want to change how you use your land or buildings from farming to something else 
  • you want to build a house on the land 

You will also usually need planning permission if you are applying for a grant to fund a project that needs a building or other development. 

You can find out more details about planning requirements for farms on Gov.UK 


You can get help and advice from our Duty Planner on agricultural development and other types of planning applications. 

You can get detailed feedback on your proposal by using our pre-application advice service

On your application you must tell us if you are a Member of Braintree District Council or employed by us. Any applications from Members or employees will be determined at Planning Committee. 

Documents that are always required
Documents that are sometimes required

Depending on the details of your application, you may have to submit one or more of the following documents and information: 

  • Members and employees; On your application you must tell us if you are a Member of Braintree District Council or employed by us. We will determine any applications from Members or employees at a Planning Committee meeting. 
  • Agricultural statement; needed if your application is for: 
    • an agricultural related development in the countryside  
    • a new agricultural workers dwellings 
    • removal of conditions on a previous application  
  • Agricultural workers dwelling; needed if your application is for agricultural workers dwellings only 
  • Amendment statement; needed if you are applying for revisions to an approved application 
  • Contamination risk assessment; needed if your application is for: 
    • a residential development (houses, flats, nursing homes etc.) 
    • allotments 
    • children's play areas 
    • playing fields 
    • mixed use developments including vulnerable end uses 
    • nurseries, crèches and schools 
  • Design and access statement; needed if your application is for  
    • a major development 
    • one or more dwellings in a conservation area 
    • new buildings in a conservation area over 100m2 
    • development in a World Heritage site. 
  • Listed Building Sections; needed if your application includes: 
    • works at upper floor levels, where accommodation is being created beneath the roof. For example within the attic of a house, or the creation of first floor accommodation within a barn conversion 
    • attaching new signage to a listed building. Your listed building section drawings must show how you will attach the sign 
  • Flood risk assessment; needed if your application is for a development: 
    • of more 1 hectare or more in Flood Zone 1 
    • is located in Flood Zones 2 and 3 
    • in an area the Environment Agency or the Internal Drainage Boards have indicated there may have drainage problems 
  • Noise impact assessment; needed if your application is for  
    • industrial or commercial uses near to residential property 
    • new residential property near to transportation noise sources 
    • new residential property near to existing industrial or commercial premises where industrial noise is the dominant source 
    • new entertainment premises near to residential property 
    • new residential property near to places of entertainment 
  • Planning statement; needed for applications that are: 
    • major developments within or next to residential areas 
    • major developments that are departures from the development plan 
    • major developments that are EIA development 
    • major developments that are notifiable to the Secretary of State 
    • minor or other developments that are likely to attract significant community interest 
    • minor or other developments that are complex proposals which need describing 
    • minor or other developments proposals seeking to vary or remove conditions 
  • Site levels; needed if your application is to:  
    • is to amend a condition that refers to site levels 
    • is to discharge a condition that refers to site levels 
    • is to remove or vary a condition that refers to site levels 
    • is a proposal where there is a change in levels which would have a material effect in the locality 
  • Transport assessment and travel plan; needed if your application is for a proposal that is likely to have significant transport implications 
  • Tree assessment; needed if your application includes works to protected tree(s).