Neighbourhood planning

Toppesfield Neighbourhood Plan

A Neighbourhood Area application was submitted to Braintree District Council by Toppesfield Parish Council for the parish of Toppesfield in August 2019 under The Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations (2012) as amended. The application was approved on the 7th August 2019.

The decision was made on the basis that the applicant was Toppesfield Parish Council, who as parish Council are a relevant body, and the area applied for was the whole extent of Toppesfield Parish.

Toppesfield Neighbourhood Area Application Approval - 7th August 2019

Toppesfield Parish Council are now working on a draft Neighbourhood Plan

For further information please contact or visit Toppesfield Parish Council Website

Updated January 2023

Rural Community Council of Essex

Address: Threshelfords Business Park
Inworth Road

Telephone: 01376 574330