The Development Plan documents
Planning Policy prepare and publish Local Plans and supporting documents. The development plan sets out what, where, when, and how development is managed in the District.
The current adopted Braintree district development plan is made up of a number of documents:
- Local Plan 2033 - (Replaces Local Plan Review 2005 & Core Strategy 2011)
- Local Development Scheme (LDS)
- Supplementary Planning Documents (SPD's)
- Statement of Community Involvement (SCI)
- Conservation Areas
- Conservation Area Reviews & Management Plans
- Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment
- Bradwell with Pattiswick Neighbourhood Plan
- Coggeshall Neighbourhood Plan
- Cressing Neighbourhood Plan
- Feering Neighbourhood Plan
- Hatfield Peverel Neighbourhood Plan
- Kelvedon Neighbourhood Plan
- The Salings Neighbourhood Plan
- Essex Minerals Local Plan - July 2014
- Essex & Southend-on-Sea Waste Local Plan - July 2017
- Local Development Order (LDO) - Horizon 120
- Masterplans
- Local Plan Review 2005 (superseded by the Local Plan 2033 on 25th July 2022)
- Core Strategy 2011 (superseded by the Local Plan 2033 on 25th July 2022)
The purpose of planning is to help achieve sustainable development (growth).
Planning law requires planning applications must be determined in accordance with the development plan. (unless material considerations indicate otherwise.)
The Council also works with other local neighbouring authorities to ensure that any cross boundary issues are dealt with appropriately and to ensure that growth across all authorities can be delivered effectively with the necessary infrastructure improvements.
Updated September 2024