Application for a review
Anyone who has an interest in a current licence can ask for a review.
A licence review is a more formal process than making a representation. Before you make your application for a licence review, you want to consider if your concerns could be dealt with outside the formal review process. this could include:
- talking to the licensee or certificate holder to find out if there are any steps they may be willing to take to rectify the situation. Sometimes licensees are unaware of the problems they are causing until they you raise them. They are usually happy to help.
- asking our Licensing team to talk to the licensee on your behalf
- asking your local MP or Councillor to speak to the licensee on your behalf
- talking to the relevant responsible authority (for example, environmental protection in relation to noise nuisance, or to the police in relation to crime and disorder) to find out if there is other legislation that could help resolve the issue
Applying for a review
Download Application for a licence review form
To make a valid application for a licence review you must:
- include your name and contact details. We do not accept anonymous applications for a licence review
- show how your review is relevant to one or more of the licensing objectives. We will reject if it is not.
- provide details about the problems you are experiencing at the premises
- send a copy of your application to the licence holder and the responsible authorities on the same day you make your application to us
You do not need to pay a fee for a licence review.
You can contact our Licensing team if you have any questions about applying for a licence review.