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Although there are specific descriptions for different types of work, there are also three broad development types. These development types are based on the size and scale of your proposal and define what documents and supporting information you need to submit as part of your application.
You can get speak to our Duty Planner if you have any questions about which development type your proposal falls into.
- Major development
Major development includes:
- Residential new build application for 10 or more dwellings, and the floor space created is more than 1000 square metres and the site has an area over half a hectare
- Commercial, Industrial and Non-residential for office and light industrial development that are over 1000 square metres and larger than 1 hectare in size
- Commercial, Industrial and Non-residential Office for general industrial development that are over 1000 square metres and larger than 1 hectare in size
- Commercial, Industrial and Non-residential proposals for retail development that are over 1000 square metres and larger than 1 hectare in size
- Commercial, Industrial and Non-residential proposals for a gypsy or traveller site that creates 10 or more pitches
- Any development proposal for a site that is more than 1 hectare in size
We aim to issue a decision within 13 weeks for these development types.
However, if you have to support your application with an Environmental Impact Assessment, we aim to issue a decision within 16 weeks.
- Minor development
Minor development includes:
- Residential new build application for 1 to 9 dwellings, and the floor space created is less than 1000 square metres and the site has an area under half a hectare
- Commercial, Industrial and Non-residential for office and light industrial development that are up to 999 square metres and under 1 hectare in size
- Commercial, Industrial and Non-residential Office for general industrial development that are up to 999 square metres and under 1 hectare in size
- Commercial, Industrial and Non-residential proposals for retail development that are up to 999 square metres and under 1 hectare in size
- Commercial, Industrial and Non-residential proposals for a gypsy or traveller site that creates up to 9 pitches
We aim to issue a decision within 8 weeks for these development types.
- Other development
Other development includes:
- Householder applications
- Change of use
- Advertisement consent
- Listed building consent
- Listed building demolition
- Demolition of an unlisted building within a conservation area
- Certificate of Lawfulness for an existing building
- Certificate of Lawfulness for a proposed development
- Prior notifications
- Permissions in Principle
- Technical Detail Consent
We aim to issue a decision within 8 weeks for these development types.