Demolition of an unlisted building - Planning validation requirements

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Application type information


You need to apply for permission if you want to; 

  • demolish an unlisted building that is within a conservation area
  • and you are not proposing to carry out any redevelopment on the site 

You must submit one copy of the application form. 

You do not have to pay a fee for this application. 


You can get help and advice from our Duty Planner on demolition of an unlisted building consent and other types of planning applications. 

You can get detailed feedback on your proposal by use our pre-application advice service

You can find additional help and support if you are proposing to demolish a building in a conservation area. 

You can use our interactive guide to find out if your proposal is in a conservation area. 

Documents that are always required

You must submit the following as part of your planning application: 

Documents that are sometimes required

Members and employees; On your application you must tell us if you are a Member of Braintree District Council or employed by us. We will determine any applications from Members or employees at a Planning Committee meeting.