Advice for mobile caterers

Health and safety

If the cooker you are using in your van or stall uses liquefied petroleum gas, you will need to be careful.

Liquefied petroleum gas can cause:

  • a fire
  • explosion
  • suffocation

We suggest that you:

  • keep cylinders in well-ventilated storage outside a vehicle
  • keep other flammable material away
  • have cylinders checked by someone who is trained regularly  
  • make sure the compartment you store it in is fire resistant

If you use a generator for electricity, make sure you:

  • maintain it properly
  • use a professional to carry out repairs
  • protect cables from damage
  • bond and earth all exposed metal parts in a vehicle.

Food and Safety

Address: Causeway House,
Bocking End,

Telephone: 01376 557790

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