Evidence Base
Submission Documents
- Local Plans and Policies Maps
- Section One of the Three Local Plans is common to all plans and is the Subject of one Examination
- SDBDC/001(1/7) Braintree Publication Draft Plan
- SDBDC/001(7/7) Braintree Publication Draft Plan (Policies Maps) - (only those relevant to Section One)
- SDCBC/001(1/2) Colchester Publication Draft Plan
- SDCBC/001(2/2) Colchester Publication Draft Plan Policies Maps - (only those relevant to Section One). Revised to include Green Orbital Map 04/01/2018
- SDTDC/001(1/2) Tendring Publication Draft Plan
- SDTDC/001(2/2) Tendring Publication Draft Plan Policies Maps - (only those relevant to Section One)
- SD/002 Schedule of Minor Modifications to the Shared Strategic Section One Plan
- SD/002a Section 1 Consolidated Modification - Feb 2018
Sustainability Appraisal / Strategic Environmental Assessment
- SD/001 North Essex Authorities Strategic Section One for Local Plans: Draft Publication (Regulation 19) Draft Sustainability Appraisal (SA) - June 2017
- SD/001a Additional SA of NEA Section 1 - Summary of Draft Findings - July 2019
- SD/001b Additional SA of NEA Section1 - July 2019 (View this on page 9 – Further work for the Inspector)
- SD/001c North Essex Section One Local Plan Sustainability Appraisal: Proposed Main Modifications (August 2020)
Representations Received to the Regulation 19 Consultation on the Shared Strategic Section One Publication Draft Local Plan
- You can view a complete set of full representations using the 3 Authorities Consultation Portals below;
- Braintree representations received Section One Publication Draft Plan
- Colchester representations received Section One Publication Draft Plan
- Tendring representations received Section One Publication Draft Plan
Consultation Statements
- SDBDC/006 Braintree Consultation Statement. Updated 26 Jan 2018
- SDBDC/006a Braintree Consultation Statement Addendum - October 2019
- SDCBC/006(1/3) Colchester Consultation Statement Updated 26 Jan 2018
- SDCBC/006(2/3) Representation Schedule Appendix E1 to CBC Consultation Statement. (Note this schedule combines the responses to the Section One Local Plan for all three authorities) Updated Jan 2018
- SDCBC/006a Colchester Consultation Statement Addendum - October 2019
- SDTDC/006 Tendring Consultation Statement
- SDTDC/006a Tendring Consultation Statement - October 2019
Notice of Submission
Document overview
Documents relating to the Shared Strategic Plan Examination are added to the Examination Documents Page as they become available.
For information relating to Section Two of the Local Plans please go to the Authorities web pages as follows – Braintree District Section Two Local Plan, Colchester Borough Section Two Local Plan and Tendring District Section Two Local Plan.