Hearing Statements from 2017
This page contains all the hearing statements that have been submitted to the Programme Officer in advance of the deadline of 5pm on 4th December 2017. However, it is for the Inspector to determine who participates in each examination hearing session. The publication of a hearing statement on this page does not necessarily mean that its author is invited to participate in the corresponding hearing session. Version 7 of the hearings timetable, setting out the invited participants for each hearing session, can be found as document IED005 on the Examination Documents webpage.
The timetable for the additional Matter 1 hearing session on 9 May 2018, setting out the invited participants, can be found as document IED009 on the Examination Documents webpage.
Matter 1: Legal and procedural requirements; Key Issues, Vision and Strategic Objectives (Chapter 1); Monitoring (paragraph 9.3 & Table 1). New documents added 15/01/2018
Matter 1 additional hearing session 9th May 2018
Matter 2: Presumption in favour of sustainable development (policy SP1); Place-shaping principles (policy SP6).
Matter 3: Meeting housing needs (Policy SP3).
Matter 4: Providing for employment (policy SP4).
Matter 5: Infrastructure and connectivity (policy SP5).
Matter 6: The proposed new garden communities – general matters (policies SP7, SP8, SP9 & SP10; paragraphs 9.1-9.2).
Matter 7: The spatial strategy for North Essex (policy SP2).
Matter 8: The proposed new garden communities – specific matters (policies SP8, SP9 & SP10).
Additional Comments
The Inspector invited additional comments from hearing session participants on the North Essex Rapid Transit Study (EB/066), published on 22 December 2017, on documents EB/064, EB/065 and EB/013(2/2a), and on the documents referenced in the Matter 6 hearing statement of G120, Cirrus Land & L&Q. All comments received by the deadline of 5pm on 10 January 2018 can be accessed by visiting the Hearing Statements Matters - Additional Comments page.
On 5 March 2018 the Inspector invited additional comments from participants who attended the Matter 6 hearing session on the following documents:
EXD/013/A-K: AECOM Social Infrastructure Framework Model: Briefing Notes and Spreadsheets
EXD/014: North Essex Rapid Transit Study: Infrastructure cost assumptions
EXD/015: Cushman & Wakefield Report: North Essex Garden Communities Valuation Advice
EXD/018: ATLAS North Hertfordshire New Settlement Study*
All comments received by the deadline set by the Inspector can be accessed by visiting the Hearing Statements Matters – Additional Comments page.
Updated 17th April 2018