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- SAG April 2018: File type: PDF: File size: 202kB
- SCG/017A Highways England
- SCG001 Natural England and NEA
- SCG001A Natural England December 2019
- SCG002 Anglian Water Services Ltd_and_NEA
- SCG002A Environment Agency and Anglian Water Services December 2019
- SCG003 Environment Agency and NEA
- SCG005 Historic England Jan 2020
- SCG006 NE Essex Clinical Commissioning_Group and Colchester Hosp and NEA
- SCG006A NEECCG December 2019
- SCG008 Maldon and NEA
- SCG008A Maldon November 2019
- SCG009 Uttlesford DC and NEA
- SCG009A Update to Uttlesford DC and NEA SoCG
- SCG009B Uttlesford DC November 2019
- SCG011 Galliard Homes and NEA
- SCG011A Galliard Homes and NEA Supplementary Statement Feb 18
- SCG011B 012A 019 Galliard ANSC Countryside Dec 19
- SCG013 RF Wests et al and NEAs
- SCG014 G120 et al and NEA
- SCG014A G120 et al
- SCG015 Mersea Homes and NEA
- SCG015A Mersea Homes December 2019
- SCG016A University of Essex and NEAs November 2019
- SCG017 ECC Highways England Greater Anglia and NEA
- SCG018 ECC and Greater Anglia December 2019
- SD/001c - North Essex Section One Local Plan Sustainability Appraisal: Proposed Main Modifications (August 2020)
- SD001 NEASS Sustainability Appraisal Non Tech Summary June 17
- SD001a Additional SA of North Essex Authorities Section 1 Summary of Draft Findings July 2019
- SD002 Minor Modifications
- SD002a Section 1 consolidated modifications Feb 2018
- SDBDC/005A - Braintree DC Duty to Co-operate statement - Chelmsford
- SDBDC001 1/7 BDC Publication Draft LP June 17
- SDBDC001 7/7 Maps 68 70 LCA District Map and Minerals
- SDBDC004 BDC Notice of Submission
- SDBDC005 BDC Duty to Cooperate Statement
- SDBDC005A Braintree DC and Chelmsford CC Update Nov 2019
- SDBDC005A Update to Chelmsford DTC
- SDBDC006 BDC Statement of Consultation 2017 Updated 26 Jan 18
- SDBDC006a Braintree Consultation Statement Addendum October 2019
- SDBDC007 BDC Statement of Community Involvement Sept 2013
- SDCBC001 1/2 CBC Publication Draft LP June 17
- SDCBC001 2/2 Colchester Publication Draft Plan Policies Maps
- SDCBC004 CBC Notice of Submission
- SDCBC005 Duty to Co operate Statement
- SDCBC006 1/3 Consultation Statement 2017 updated 26 Jan 2018
- SDCBC006 2/3 Appendix E1 Combined Rep Responses to Section 1 Publication Draft Local Plan Updated Jan 18
- SDCBC006a Colchester Consultation Statement Addendum October 2019
- SDCBC007 CBC Statement of Community Involvement
- SDTDC 001 1/2 Tendring Local Plan October 2017