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- Natural England
- Natural England
- Natural England Essex Authorities Issues and Matters
- Natural England Essex Authorities Issues and Matters
- NEA response to EXD076
- NEA response to EXD079
- NEA001 NEA Response to IED001 27th Oct 17
- NEA002 Letter from Wivenhoe Town Council and NEA response
- NEA003 Secretary of State appeal decision on Land at Tollgate Village
- NEA004 Options Clarification Questions for the Inspector 20th July 2018
- NEA005 Letter to Inspector 19th October 2018 and Enclosures
- NEA006 Clarifications and Timetable 30th Nov 2018
- NEA007 December 2018 update to Inspector
- NEA008 January 2019 update to Inspector
- NEA009 February 2019 update to Inspector
- NEA010 March 2019 update to Inspector
- NEA011 April 2019 update to Inspector
- NEA012 May 2019 update to Inspector
- NEA013 June 2019 update to Inspector 3rd July 2019
- NEA014 August 2019 update to Inspector
- NEA015 NEA Letter to Inspector 8th October 2019
- NEA016 NEA letter to Inspector 19th May 2020
- NEA017 Email to the Inspector 23rd July 2020
- NEA018 NEA Statement on 2018 based Household Projections
- NEA018a - Supporting Information to NEA018 Report from Stantec
- NEA019 Modifications Request 31st July 2020
- NEA020 Further response on 2018 Household Projections
- NEA020a Note On The Method Used To Calculate The NMSS 2019
- NEA021a - LUC Responses to consultation comments on SA of Main Mods
- NEA021b - LUC responses to consultation comments on HRA of Main Mods
- NEGC response to EXD079
- North Essex Authorities 30th April 2018: File type: PDF: File size: 436kB
- North Essex Authorities Statement on Engagement
- North Essex Section 1 Local Plan SA Implications of the Heathrow Appeal Decision