Public health funerals

The funeral and other arrangements

Once we have accepted responsibility for the funeral, our Cemeteries Service team will make all the arrangements. This includes:

  • registering the death
  • making arrangements with the funeral directors
  • paying for the funeral

The funeral will be the most economical funeral available. The burial will take place in a common or public grave unless the deceased owned a grave.

We will arrange a simple but dignified funeral, with no discretionary items such as:

  • flowers
  • ministers or celebrants
  • grave markers or memorials

We are not able to:

  • accommodate requests from relatives that will incur extra costs that we have to pay
  • accept contributions for extra items at the funeral

Our contracted funeral directors will provide everything necessary for the funeral, including:

  • a coffin
  • transport of the deceased to the cemetery in a hearse,
  • enough bearers to transfer the coffin to the grave

We will notify any known family and friends about the place, date and time of the funeral.

Family and friends are welcome to attend the grave-side service, but will not be able to choose where and when we have arranged the funeral for. We will not provide transport for family/friends.

You can contact our Cemeteries team for more information or to ask for a copy of this procedure.

Cemetery Services

Address: Causeway House
Bocking End

Telephone: 01376 557772

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