Street naming and numbering

Apply for street naming and numbering

Changes to our service

With regard to the published Royal Mail strike dates, there may be a delay in confirming new or updated addresses which is beyond our control. Please therefore allow sufficient time for your application.

You can contact our Street Naming and Numbering team for more information.

Allow enough time when applying for new or amended addresses as it can take up to three weeks for applications to be processed due to the need to consult third parties.

About our service

You need to tell us about any changes to street names, house names or house numbers. This includes new properties and developments.

Making sure that street names and numbers are up to date helps key services find your property including:

  • the emergency services
  • postal and delivery services
  • the general public

You need to apply for street naming and numbering if you are:

  • changing a house name
  • giving a house a new name, please note the house number must be retained if applicable
  • numbering a new property or properties
  • naming a new road
  • dividing an address
  • merging addresses
  • creating a new commercial (non-residential) unit 

Making your application

You can apply for street naming and numbering using our online form:

Apply for street naming and numbering

To make your application you will need to tell us:

  • your name address and contact details
  • your email address
  • the location of the site
  • the type of property; house, flats, non-residential and so on
  • if the properties are new or existing
  • the details of the new and old names and numbers
  • a location plan, showing the site clearly outlined
  • for new developments, a copy of the site plan indicating plot numbers and floor plans for flats.

You can only apply for street naming and numbering if you own the property. If you do not own the property, you will need to send us the owner’s written permission that you are acting for them.

You must pay the fee online to complete your application.

When we have approved your application we will:

  • contact you to let you know
  • notify the relevant bodies of new addresses

We will notify

  • Ordnance Survey
  • Royal Mail
  • Land Registry
  • Our other departments
  • District Valuation Office
  • Essex Highways
  • the emergency services

Report a damaged or missing street nameplate

You can contact our Street Scene team to report a damaged or missing street nameplate.


Street Naming

Address: Causeway House
Bocking End

Telephone: 01376 552525