Cemetery fees

Fees for exclusive rights of burials

You can find out about an exclusive right of burial on our page about buying a grave.

Type Next in line Selection fee
Cremated remains  £585.00 £640.00
Under 18 years of age - cremated remains £450.00 £500.00
Under 18 years of age - grave space £480.00 £530.00
18 years and over - grave space £990.00 £1,285.00
Transfer of ownership for exclusive right of burial £68.00 Not applicable
Exclusive Right of Burial 10 year extension £190.00 N/A

Under 18’s fees can be claimed back by the Braintree District Council from the MoJ CFF.

You can contact the Cemeteries team if you have any questions about our cemeteries or fees.

Cemetery Services

Address: Causeway House
Bocking End

Telephone: 01376 557772

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