Air quality and pollution

Dark smoke and air quality

Dark smoke

You can create dark smoke by burning products such as:

  • plastics
  • oil
  • roofing felt foam

Dark smoke is toxic and to people and the environment.

Creating dark smoke is an offence under the Clean Air Act 1973 which can result in fines and a criminal record.

If you are a business, you must have a trade waste agreement for getting rid of waste.

Air quality

We have a duty to regularly review and assess air quality across our district.

In our last review, we found that air quality was within the limits in all areas:

  • lead
  • particulate
  • nitrogen oxides
  • carbon monoxide
  • benzene
  • sulphur dioxide
  • 1 to 3 butadiene

To find to full details of the review, read our air quality report.

Air quality monitoring is undertaken on an ongoing basis within the District and reported to Central Government annually.

You can read the air quality reports from previous years to find out more information.


Customer Services

Address: Causeway House,
Bocking End,

Telephone: 01376 552525

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