View or comment on planning applications

View a planning application

You can use our Public Access online planning register to view planning applications submitted to us.

Find a planning application

You can search for applications, track their progress and add comments.

How to search for a planning application

If you are searching by application number, you need to search using the format YY/NNNNN. For example 20/01234.

If there is only one result of your search, you will go straight to the application.

If there is more than one result a list of applications will show. Click on the blue text to go to the application you want to view.

Decision notices and plans are available for applications received from 2000 onwards.

Documents are available for applications from 2008.

Viewing an application

Once you are on the application page you can find information using the tabs.


  • summary, key information about the application
  • further information, details of the Case Officer and Applicant
  • contacts, details of the agent and ward councillors
  • important Dates, when we validated the application and the determination dates


This displays all the documents and plans, comments that we have received, and our report and decision, including any legal agreement

Make a Comment

You can submit a comment on the application

Related Cases 

You can view any linked applications, appeals, enforcements or properties


View the location of the application on a map

Many of the plans and documents include very detailed information. You may find it easier to view these on a desktop computer rather than on a smartphone or tablet.

Development Management

Address: Causeway House
Bocking End

Telephone: 01376 557779