What we spend and how we spend it - Publication scheme documents


Financial information relating to projected and actual income and expenditure, tendering, procurement and contracts.

Quarterly Performance Management Reports
Accounts, Allowances and Expenses
Councillors allowances and expenses
Member Allowances Scheme, within Constitution, Chapter 3
Financial Procedure Rules, within Constitution, Chapter 2
Ordering and Paying for Goods and Services, within Constitution, Chapter 2
Cabinet, annual Budgets and Financial Strategies (normally February)
Budget Strategy, within February Cabinet meeting details
Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) 2020/21 to 2024/25, within February Cabinet meeting details
Capital Programme, within February Cabinet meeting details 
Capital and Investment Strategy, within February Cabinet meeting details
Treasury Management Strategy, within February Cabinet meeting details
Selling to us, contract opportunities and contracts register
Completed Section 106 agreements, balances and projects
Transparency code, list of grants for voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations
Housing grants
Conservation grant scheme