Frequent Freedom of information requests
You can often find the answer to your freedom of information request through information already available on our website.
We are building a simple list of links to common and frequent freedom of information requests which you can use to look for information on our website.
You can also use our search function to find information.
Questions for Essex County Council
We often receive requests about services provided by Essex County Council including:
- roads and highways
- potholes and road damage
- bus stops and bus shelters
- schools and education
- school transport
- social services, adult and child social care
- libraries
- registration of births, deaths and marriages
- blue badges
- disabled parking
You should contact Essex County Council if you have questions about these services.
Questions for Greenfields Community Housing
We transferred our housing stock to Greenfields Community Housing Association in 2007.
You should contact Greenfields with any freedom of information requests about social housing.
We closed our Housing Revenue Account on 31 March 2012.