Make a freedom of information request
You can request information from us under the Freedom of Information Act (FOI).
Before you make an FOI request, you should check that we haven’t already published the information you are looking for. You can find information across our website, or:
- read our page on frequent freedom of information requests
- look at our transparency code
- our publication scheme
You can make your Freedom of information request:
- using our online form
- by email to our Freedom of Information Officer
Submit your Freedom of Information request
When you make your Freedom of Information request, you should:
- make your request for information as specific as possible
- provide as full a description of the information as you can
- tell us clearly what format you would prefer to receive the information in, for example, by email or as a paper copy
If your request is too broad we may ask you to clarify it, which means it will take longer to get the information you want.
Some information is exempt from FOI requests, such as personal or sensitive information, or information controlled under data protection. If the information you requested is exempt, we will be unable to release it, but will contact you to explain why.
You can find out more from the Information Commissioner.
We can provide most information free of charge. However, in some cases we will charge you if we estimate that it will cost us more than £450 to process your request. If we do need to charge you, we will contact you before providing the information, and you can decide if you want to:
- change your request
- pay an agreed amount
Once your request for information has been received
Once you have submitted your request, we will respond within 20 working days with the information you requested.
We may take longer if we have to consider if the disclosure of normally exempt information would be in the public interest.
However, there is no extension to the time limit for requests under the Environmental Information Regulations, except where the request is big and complex.
When considering the public interest test, we will do so within a reasonable time.