Freedom of information requests

Freedom of information compliance Statistics

We publish statistics on how we handle requests made under the Freedom of information Act 2000 (FOIA2000) and Environmental Information Regulation 2004. This is in accordance with the Freedom of Information Code of Practice 2018. This is in line with the ICO Freedom of Information Code of Practice, Section 8 Publication Schemes (paragraphs 8.5 and 8.6).

We publish this data a month after the end of the quarter. This is because we have up to 20 working days to respond to FOI and EIR requests. This gives us enough time to capture the outcome of all the requests made in that quarter.

Information overview

2023/24 April to June
Number of FOI/EIR requests received 196
Number of FOI/EIR requests completed within 20 working days 192
Percentage of requests completed within 20 working days 96%
Number of requests withdrawn by requester of awaiting clarification 3
Number of requests granted in full 74
Number of requests refused in full 32
Number of requests granted in part and refused in part 18
Number of requests where information was not held 61
Number of internal reviews 0
2023/24 July to September
Number of FOI/EIR requests received 197
Number of FOI/EIR requests completed within 20 working days 194
Percentage of requests completed within 20 working days 98%
Number of requests withdrawn by requester of awaiting clarification 2
Number of requests granted in full 80
Number of requests refused in full 23
Number of requests granted in part and refused in part 18
Number of requests where information was not held 83
Number of internal reviews 3
2023/24 October to December
Number of FOI/EIR requests received 183
Number of FOI/EIR requests completed within 20 working days 176
Percentage of requests completed within 20 working days 88%
Number of requests withdrawn by requester of awaiting clarification 5
Number of requests granted in full 70
Number of requests refused in full 13
Number of requests granted in part and refused in part 14
Number of requests where information was not held 96
Number of internal reviews 1
2023/24 January to March
Number of FOI/EIR requests received 247
Number of FOI/EIR requests completed within 20 working days 211
Percentage of requests completed within 20 working days 93%
Number of requests withdrawn by requester of awaiting clarification 6
Number of requests granted in full 93
Number of requests refused in full 16
Number of requests granted in part and refused in part 15
Number of requests where information was not held 117
Number of internal reviews TBC
2023/24 Total 2023/24
Number of FOI/EIR requests received 823
Number of FOI/EIR requests completed within 20 working days 773
Percentage of requests completed within 20 working days 94%
Number of requests withdrawn by requester of awaiting clarification 16
Number of requests granted in full 317
Number of requests refused in full 84
Number of requests granted in part and refused in part 65
Number of requests where information was not held 357
Number of internal reviews 4
2023/24 April to June July to September October to December January to March Total 2023/24
2023/24: Number of FOI/EIR requests received 196 197 183 247 823
2023/24: Number of FOI/EIR requests completed within 20 working days 192 194 176 211 773
2023/24: Percentage of requests completed within 20 working days 96% 98% 88% 93% 94%
2023/24: Number of requests withdrawn by requester of awaiting clarification 3 2 5 6 16
2023/24: Number of requests granted in full 74 80 70 93 317
2023/24: Number of requests refused in full 32 23 13 16 84
2023/24: Number of requests granted in part and refused in part 18 18 14 15 65
2023/24: Number of requests where information was not held 61 83 96 117 357
2023/24: Number of internal reviews 0 3 1 TBC 4

You can find previous finanical year statistics.

You can email the FOI team with any comments or queries regarding information on this page.

You can read our advice on Freedom of Information.

The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) enforces and promotes the FOI and the EIR. Read Information on FOI and EIR from the ICO.


Past FOI and EIR compliance statistics

Download Past statistics