Report a Council Tax change of circumstances

You must tell us immediately if your circumstances change in a way that may alter your entitlement to any discount or exemption.

Tell us about a change of circumstances

To tell us about a change of circumstances that may affect your discount or exemption, you will need:

  • the names of the Council Tax payer
  • your address and postcode
  • your email address
  • your Council Tax number
  • details of any discounts or exemptions you are getting
  • the details of the change in circumstances
  • the date your circumstances changed

After we receive your new details

Once we have received your change of circumstances, we will decide:

  • if you should stop getting your discount and send you a new bill
  • or tell you why you still receive a discount and write to you to explain why

False information

When you submit your application for discount you declare that the information you have given is true to the best of your knowledge.

We will take action where we believe that you have knowingly supplied false information to obtain a financial benefit to which a person is not entitled.

Appeal against our decision

If you disagree with our decision about your application for discount, you can read our page on how to appeal your Council Tax bill.


Council Tax

Address: Causeway House,
Bocking End,

Telephone: 01376 557755

Green and grey text saying tell me more with a white email icon in a green speech bubble

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