How to pay your Council Tax

Pay by post

You can pay your Council Tax by sending us a cheque or postal order.

Your cheque or postal order must be made payable to Braintree District Council.

You must send your cheque or postal order to:

Braintree District Council,

PO Box 207,

Causeway House,

Bocking End,



You must write your Council Tax account number from your bill on the back of your cheque or postal so that we can allocate your payment to the right account.

Your instalments are due on the first of the month. You must allow enough time for your cheque or postal order to reach us. We will take recovery action for late payment.

We will only issue a receipt for your cheque or postal order if you send a stamped addressed envelope.

Council Tax

Address: Causeway House,
Bocking End,

Telephone: 01376 557755

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