
Masterplan - Sible Hedingham (Premdor and Rockways)

The "Earl's Garden" development has been largely completed on the former Premdor site.

The development started in accordance with application 13/00416/FUL, which was granted subject to a Section 106 Agreement in July 2013.

The Core Strategy (2011) identified two key regeneration areas in the District in order to promote the economic viability of the key service villages.

The Master Plan for the Premdor/Rockways regeneration site in Sible Hedingham was approved by the Council on the 10th December 2012 following the two decisions which are set out below.

1. That the Master Plan for the Premdor/Rockways Regeneration site, Sible Hedingham, including the alternative option for the provision of a registered care home on the Rockways part of the site, be approved as guidance in the determination of planning applications with the exception of the land of 0.2 hectares safeguarded for new medical facilities which be referred back to the Local Development Framework Sub-committee for consideration as to whether this area could be expanded.

That the area of land to be safeguarded for the health facility in the Premdor/Rockways, Sible Hedingham Master Plan be increased to 0.25 hectares.

2. That Planning Officers be requested to work with the site agents to amend the Master Plan to take account of the proposed enlargement to the health facility site and the requested financial contribution to health provision, subject to the Officers using their best endeavours to retain the area identified for the work hub.

Updated June 2015

Planning Policy

Address: Causeway House
Bocking End

Telephone: 01376 552525