Apply for housing

Waiting times

Housing associations typically let to homes housing register applicants in the highest priority band and who have been waiting for the longest. 

There are many factors that influence how long it can take for you to find suitable social housing including:

  • how urgent your housing needs are
  • how long you have been waiting
  • what size of property you need
  • what type of property you need
  • where you want to live

Housing StatNav

Our Housing StatNav website has details on average waiting times for housing in different areas across our district.

You can use this information to:

  • get an idea of how long you may wait for housing
  • help you make decisions about your housing situation

Rural housing

We let some affordable homes in rural areas using a local lettings policy. These policies give an applicant’s connection to an area more priority than their housing need.

Housing Services

Address: Causeway House
Bocking End

Telephone: 01376 552525

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