How our district is tackling climate change

Parish Councils

How Feering Parish Council is tackling climate change

To find out how our local parish councils and organisations are tacking climate change in our district, we visited Feering Community Centre to see the incredible work they have achieved.

Feering Parish Council accessed several different grant funding streams including £20,000 from the Essex County Council Climate Action Fund and have successfully installed 39 solar panels to the roof of their Community Centre, swapped the centre's lighting to LED, replaced aluminium windows with double glazed UPVC and replaced a 1987 gas boiler with a far more energy efficient model.

The Parish and the local community are continuing to work hard to reduce their energy usage and are also looking at various means of harvesting rain water.

As part of our Climate Change Strategy, we are actively working to support our parish councils to help tackle climate change, and have produced a list of grants that are available to support both communities and residents.

For more information, or to let us know how we can help to support you further, please get in touch via email
