If you think someone is committing benefit fraud, you can tell us about online or by using our dedicated phone line.
This may, for example, include instances where a person is claiming Benefit but has not declared income or that they are working.
If you are reporting benefit fraud, you need to tell us as much information as you can about the suspected fraudsters, including:
- their name and address
- what they are doing
- anything else you think we should know
If you think someone is living at a property undeclared, whether it be with a partner or by subletting, you can help our enquiries by telling us:
- their name and address
- vehicle registration plates
- personal details
- physical descriptions of the unknown occupant.
Report online
You can use our online form to report benefit fraud.
Report by phone
Call 01376 557856 to report any suspicions you may have about fraud. This includes Housing or Council Tax Benefit or any other Council business.
We will keep any information you provide in strictest confidence.
We will not reply to you unless you want us to.
We will delete your email details.
We have to legally provide data to the national fraud initiative as requested by the cabinet office.