There are around 2,700 sites of archaeological interest in our district.
Essex County Council record these sites in their Heritage Conservation Record.
42 of the sites are Scheduled Ancient Monuments under the Ancient Monuments and Archaeological Areas Act 1979. The sites include:
- Palaeolithic flint axes
- Prehistoric settlements
- Roman settlements
- Saxon settlements
- medieval settlements
- post medieval industrial sites
- modern industrial sites
- World War 2 structures
- Cold War structures
You can look at our list of Scheduled Ancient Monuments to find out where they are.
Scheduled Ancient Monuments
Scheduled Ancient Monuments are some of the most important features in our district.
The Secretary of State selects Scheduled Ancient Monuments as they are nationally important archaeological features which can be:
- buildings
- earthworks
- isolated structures
You need to get Scheduled Monument Consent before you carry out any type of work or development on a site. The Department of Culture Media and Sport with advice from Historic England are responsible for giving consent.
You can find out how to apply for consent on the Historic England website.
You can find out more about Scheduled Ancient Monuments on GOV.UK.