About the consultation
The consultation closed on 13 November 2020.
We are no longer taking feedback.
Subject to the outcome of the consultation, we are proposing to seek approval for the Revised Scheme of Delegation from Full Council on 7 December 2020.
Consultation responses
Read the responses from Parish and Town Councils.
Read the responses from Non Parish and Town Councils.
We proposed some changes to our current scheme of delegation.
A scheme of delegation is the set of rules which determines whether a planning application will be decided by the Planning Committee or by planning officers under the delegated powers given to them by the Council.
We reviewed our current scheme and we proposed a revised scheme.
We did this for two reasons:
- We want to make the process clearer for applicants, agents and members of the public.
- We want to make sure that members of our planning committee can focus on significant and complex applications.
We also suggested ways to enhance member engagement earlier in the planning process, which if approved, would be open to Parish and Town Council’s and Local Ward Members.
A summary of the proposals and a full draft Revised Scheme of Delegation are available on the following pages.
The revised scheme was presented to members of the Planning Committee on 13 October. You can watch the officer presentation and the subsequent discussion by councillors on Youtube (from 02:23:15).
You can find out more details by reading our report into the Review of Scheme of Delegation (Agenda item 6 on page 157).