You need to make the correct payment when you apply for building control.
We cannot accept an application until you have paid the correct fee.
Our hourly rate is £88.82
You can work out how much you have to pay by looking at our current :
You can make your payment online by using our pay for a building control service form.
You can contact us if you are not sure how much you have to pay on 01376 557 781 (24 hour)
You do not have to pay a fee if you are carrying out work to improve the building for a disabled person.
Main change to the new chargers
- The plan fee and inspection fee are paid when submitting a deposit of a plans submission.
- Most work generally commences within one month of the submission of the application and it is confusing to pay the plan fee and have another charge a few days later.
- The total fees are always paid on submission for a Building Notice application.
- We can issue the completion certificate quicker as we do not need to check the inspection fee is paid.
- Building Notice fees and Full Plan fees are the same in line with government recommendations.
- We do not need to send out invoices and chase if applicants do not pay.
We are currently in the process of developing a comprehensive, efficient and effective building control service that operates differently to traditional local government building control services.
Additional charges
From 1 January 2023, we are introducing a set of additional charges that are ancillary to the main Building Regulation Charges. You can see the new charges on our dedicated ancillary charges pages.
Remember we are always happy to provide you with an individual quotation for your work if you would prefer.
Call us on 01376 557 781 or send details to our email address and we will be happy to help within 24 hours.