Body piercing
Before you consider registration for tattooing or body piercing , you should read and understand CIEH Tattooing and body piercing guidance toolkit.
Body piercing conditions
To make sure you comply with the conditions of your Body piercing registration, you must have the following documents available:
- a copy of your clinical waste disposal agreement
- your patient consent records
- a blood spillage procedure
- a sharps injury procedure
- a hand washing poster
- a COSHH assessments for the chemicals you use
- a cleaning schedule
- a sharps disposal procedure
You must also have and make available to your customers:
- Aftercare information for Body Piercing
- Aftercare information for Ear and Face Piercings
- Aftercare Information for Oral Piercings
- Aftercare information for Genital Piercings (Male)
- Aftercare information for Genital Piercings (Female)
- Aftercare information for Dermal Implants
You will also need to comply with our local byelaws.