The role of the Chairman

The Chairman of Braintree District Council 2024-25 Councillor Lyn Walters

The Vice-Chairman is Councillor Justin Wrench

The Chairman of Braintree District Council is the First Citizen in the District of Braintree.

The Chairman takes precedence over all others including Town Mayors and Parish Chairmen. The Chairman does not take precedence over royalty and Her Majesty's representative, the Lord Lieutenant of Essex.

The Full Council appoints the Chairman and Vice-Chairman on an annual basis.

The Chairman:

  • presides over meetings of the Council
  • acts as an ambassador for Braintree District Council
  • promotes Braintree District Council
  • represents Braintree District Council at community events within the District
  • represents Braintree District Council at civic and ceremonial functions hosted by other organisations
  • hosts civic events
  • receives official visitors on behalf of the Braintree District Council

The role

The role of Chairman of the Council is separate from that of the Leader of the Council.

The Chairman’s role is non-political. The Chairman undertakes the role in line with our aims and values.

The Leader is the political head of the Council with responsibility for all council policy and business.


Civic Office

Address: Causeway House
Bocking End

Telephone: 01376 552525

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