Community Infrastructure Grant

Who can apply?

You can apply for a grant provided if

  • you are a not-for-profit organisation.
  • you have a constitution/written set of rules for the organisation.
  • you have a bank account in your group’s name and at least two people (not related to one another) are required to sign any cheque or withdrawal from the account.
  • you have a set of accounts and make these available for inspection.
  • your group can run the activity and complete the form, even if you get some help with this. The contact for the grant and the person signing the form must be a member of the group or its management committee.
  • your activities begin, and costs are incurred after receipt of the grant. You must also spend the entire grant and complete activities we have funded within the contact agreement timescales.

If you are successful with an application to the Grant Fund, you may be considered for funding in future.  

How Will Your Application be Reviewed?

Projects shall be reviewed on a first-come-first –served basis against a competitive scoring matrix and the following criteria-

  • Reduction of carbon emissions
  • Other benefits to the environment (against The Council’s 5 Climate Change Outcomes)
  • Accessibility for the local community
  • Opportunities to support the local (green) economy
  • Opportunities to engage and support the community with addressing Climate Change
  • Meeting UKSPF outputs and outcomes

View the Energy Saving Trust website for support with understanding how carbon can be reduced by your organisation.

Baseline evidence for the amount of carbon used by your organisation may be found from your utilities bills and this would be a suitable form of evidence, alongside projections for the future carbon savings of the proposed project. Please ensure that your contractor agrees and can provide calculated evidence of carbon reduction.