Community Infrastructure Grant


The UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) is a central pillar of the UK government’s Levelling Up agenda and a significant component of its support for places across the UK. It provides up to three years funding for local investment, with all areas of the UK receiving an allocation between 2022/23 and 2024/25. All funds must be spent by 31 March 2025.

The Fund

The UK Shared Prosperity Community Infrastructure Project Fund is available to existing constituted groups such as charities, associations, parish councils, voluntary and community groups to:

  • Install sources of renewable energy to buildings or their surroundings
  • Install energy efficiency measures such as insulation or LED lighting to buildings or their surroundings
  • Install or embed other capital projects which reduce carbon emissions to buildings or their surroundings

The project should be publicly accessible and should ideally demonstrate a carbon reduction from existing infrastructure of at least 5%. Evidence of the proposed carbon reduction and your monitoring and measuring process should be included in the application and ongoing evidence of the carbon reduction shall be requested after six months and thereafter yearly for a period of up to five years.

Groups are welcome to apply for capital funding up to £10,000. Support will be given to a minimum of 10 projects with funding of approximately £10k per project; however, applications for larger and smaller amounts will be considered. The grant is discretionary and projects may not receive the full funding requested if it enables BDC to support a greater number of projects. There is no minimum amount and match funding is not required. Where projects shall exceed the £10,000 funding limit, details of how the remainder of the costs are covered should be included. Once all the applications are submitted, there may be opportunity to redistribute additional funds for a number of projects. Please advise of any successful historical or pending applications for grants in the last three years.

Capital funding can be used to purchase assets or undertake works which will have a positive effect upon mitigating Climate Change by reducing carbon emissions by at least 5% for a duration of at least 5 years. Please note: Recoverable VAT cannot be included in the grant application.

Please provide a project plan used for the delivery of the project and a timeline with key milestones to evidence completion of the project within the deadline. All projects must be completed and supporting evidence received by Braintree District Council by 5pm on Friday 28 February 2025.

Funds can used for the following:

Solar panels, small scale hydroelectric project, replacement triple glazed windows, replacement doors, wall or roof insulation, replacement heating or replacement lighting.

This list is not exhaustive, please contact us if you have any queries or would like support with evidencing carbon reduction.

You will need to provide evidence of how you have spent the fund. Any larger purchases over £5,000 you will need to provide three quotes from recognised suppliers with your application as part of the procurement process.

Please use an accredited installer for delivering your project.

Members of Braintree District Council will appraise funding allocations with final approval through the internal decision-making process. Grants shall be scored against a matrix of measures and allocated according to meeting some of Braintree District Council’s Climate Change Outcomes (see below) and the UKSPF outputs. You will be informed of the outcome within 2 – 4 weeks of the closing date for each funding round subject to providing any additional information requested in a timely manner. This round closes at 5pm on Friday 14 June 2024.

There may be opportunities in the future to apply for further funding – please indicate on the form if you are interested.

Successful organisations will be required to complete a grant agreement. We also ask that you provide regular feedback about your project so we can report UKSPF outcomes to HM Government.

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