Technical details consent - Planning validation requirements

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Permission in principle is an alternative way of obtaining planning permission for housing-led development. It separates the consideration of matters of principle for the proposed development from the technical detail of the development.  

Permission in principle consent has 2 stages 

  • the first stage (or permission in principle stage) establishes whether a site is suitable in principle 
  • the second stage (‘technical details consent’) is when the detailed development proposals are assessed. 

You can apply for technical details consent once we have granted your application for permission in principle. 

You can visit to find out more about this type of planning application. 


Once we have granted your proposal Permission in principle, you can make an application for Technical Details Consent. 

The validation requirements that you need to meet are the same as the development type that your proposal falls under. You can find a list of all development types on planning validation page. 

You must included the Permission in principle application number in your technical details submission. 

You can get help and advice from our Duty Planner on technical details consent and other types of planning applications. 

Documents that are always required

The validation requirements that you need to meet are the same as the development type that your proposal falls under. You can find a list of all development types on planning validation page

Documents that are sometimes required

Depending on the details of your application, you may have to submit one or more of the following documents and information: 

  • Members and employees; On your application you must tell us if you are a Member of Braintree District Council or employed by us. We will determine any applications from Members or employees at a Planning Committee meeting.