Our Customer Charter
Keeping our district clean and tidy is a major task which our team of street cleaning operatives carry out. Their work includes:
- litter picking
- mechanical street sweeping
- emptying of dog poo and litter bins
- removal of graffiti, fly-tips and fly-posting
We have committed to providing the best possible service to all our customers. Our Customer Charter
- sets out the standards of service you can expect from us in relation to street cleansing
- will help you tell us if we are performing well or if we need to improve
What we do
Under our charter we will:
- clear litter hotspots within one working day of getting a report
- remove accessible and non-hazardous fly-tips within one working day of getting a report
- respond to reports of fly-posting within five working days of getting a report
- remove general graffiti within five working days of getting a report
- remove offensive graffiti within one working day of getting a report
- clean the town centres daily, including Saturdays and Sundays
- sweep the channels (kerbs) in all parishes four times a year
- empty litter and dog bins at least once a week
- respond to dog fouling complaints within three working days of getting a report
- investigate reports of abandoned vehicles within one working day
- remove any genuinely abandoned vehicles within 15 working days
You can contact our Street Scene team if you have any questions about our Customer Charter.