Pending licensing applications

Make a representation

You can contact our Licensing team to make a representation against a premises licence or club premises certificate under the Licensing Act 2003.

You need to make your representation by email or in writing. We do not accept anonymous representations.

You can find full details of how to make a representation on GOV.UK.

If you have made a valid representation about a licence application, we will be pass it to the applicant for them to respond. They may contact you to discuss your concerns and to see whether there are any licence conditions or changes to the application that might address your concerns.

You do not have to agree to any proposals if you do not want to or you can suggest other conditions that might be of benefit. The discussions can only consider preventing:

  • crime
  • disorder or public nuisance
  • protecting public safety
  • protecting children from harm

We will arrange a Licensing Panel of three councillors to consider your representation and any others that we receive. The meeting will be held in public, no later than four weeks after  end of the consultation period. You can attend the meeting and address the councillors if you wish.

You may supply additional information either before or at the hearing. You can bring other people to the meeting but they will be limited as to what they can say.

We will send you full details of the hearing including the date time and location. You must confirm if you will be attending the meeting, at least five working days before the meeting.


Address: Causeway House
Bocking End

Telephone: 01376 552525

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