Driver's licences

Knowledge test

You must take and pass our Knowledge test before you apply for Driver's licence for the first time. We will not grant a Driver's licence if you have not passed our Knowledge test.

You can download and read our guidance on our Knowledge test.


Our Knowledge test is a 60-minute online test made up of 60 questions from eight categories. The categories of questions are:

  • points of interest
  • routes
  • mandatory questions from the customer care and law and policy categories
  • customer care
  • law and policy
  • the Highway Code
  • road signs
  • numeracy

If you are only going to driving limousines or on school contracts, you do not need to answer the questions on points of interest and routes.

Passing the test

To pass our Knowledge test, you must get a score of 85 per cent or more. You must also get the pass mark in each of the categories.

Category Number of questions Pass mark Pass mark percentage
Points of interest 6 questions 4 out of 6 67 per cent
Routes 6 questions 4 out of 6 67 per cent
Mandatory 23 questions 21 out of 23 91 per cent
Customer care 3 questions 2 out of 3 67 per cent
Law and policy 4 questions 2 out of 4 50 per cent
Highway Code 6 questions 6 out of 6 100 per cent
Road signs 6 questions 6 out of 6 100 per cent
Numeracy 6 questions 6 out of 6 100 per cent
Total 60 questions 51 out of 60 85 per cent



Address: Causeway House
Bocking End

Telephone: 01376 552525

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