Club premises certificate

Variation of a Club premises certificate

If you already hold a Club premises certificate, you can apply to change it.

Your change of licence could be about:

  • the activities your licence covers.
  • your opening hours 
  • the area that your licence covers.

There are two ways you can vary your premises licence:

  • a major variation
  • a minor variation

You can contact our Licensing team to find out if the changes you want to make are major or minor.

Major variation

You need to apply for major variation where you are looking to make substantial changes to the licence that will have an impact on one of the four licensing objectives.

The cost and application process for a major variation is the same as a new application:

  • you must send a copy of your application to all relevant responsible authorities
  • you must advertise the form on the premises and in a local newspaper
  • we will hold a statutory consultation period of 28 days from the date we receive your application

Apply for a major variation of a Club premises certificate

You can contact our Licensing team if you have any questions about a major variation application.

Minor variation

Where your proposed changes to your premises licence have no potential impact on any of the four licensing objectives, you should apply for a minor variation.

The cost of a minor variation is £89.

You must advertise your application on the premises

We will hold a statutory consultation period of 10 days from the date we receive your application.

We will then determine your application within a further five days.

Apply for a minor variation of a Club premises certificate

You can contact our Licensing team if you have any questions about a minor variation application.


Address: Causeway House
Bocking End

Telephone: 01376 552525

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