Birdbrook Parish village sign - Delegated decisions

Decision made by
Cabinet member for Environment and Place
To approve the application under Section 42 of the Public Health Acts, Amendment Act 1890 submitted by Birdbrook Parish Council to erect an ornate village sign on a parcel of highway land outside St. Augustine's Church opposite the property known as Brooklyn, The Street, Birdbrook
Reason for decision
To fulfil the Council's duty under Section 42 of the Public Health Acts, Amendment Act 1890
Summary of alternative options
Refuse the application
Background documents
Application documents submitted by Birdbrook Parish Council June 2018Consent from Essex County Council as the Highways Authority dated October 4 2018
Declared conflict of interest
Date decision made
October 12 2018
Contact us
You can contact us if you would like a copy of the record and supporting papers for this decision. Email