Coggeshall precept details - Parish precepts


You should contact Coggeshall Parish Council with any questions about these figures.

Precept detail 2024/25


Administration: £7,000.00

Allotments: £3,310.00

Burial Ground: £18,400.00

Street Lighting: £3,190.00

Car Parks: £26,520.00

Village Hall: £27,600.00

Market: £1,200.00

Total income: £87,220.00


Administration: £102,520.00

Allotments: £7,553.00

Burial Ground: £35,323.00

Street Lighting: £29,616.00

Town Clock: £1,800.00

Car Parks: £12,700.00

Recreation Grounds and Open Spaces: £41,681.00

Village Hall: £44,544.00

Public Conveniences: £4,330.00

Grants: £3,000.00

Machinery and Vehicle: £6,230.00

PWLB Loan Repayment: £6,190.00

Market: £1,130.00

Total expenditure: £296,617.00

Precept detail 2023/24


Village Hall (incl. capital expenditure):  £8,288

Administration: £115,727

Provision of Services and Grants: £63,763

Loan repayment: £6,190

Capital Expenditure (Excl. village hall): £2,500

Total Net Expenditure: £196,468

Reserves: -0

The amount required from Coggeshall Council taxpayers: £196,468

Precept detail 2022/23


Village Hall (incl. capital expenditure):  £7,268

Administration: £105,837

Provision of Services and Grants: £61,830

Loan repayment: £6,189

Capital Expenditure (Excl. village hall): £1000

Total Net Expenditure: £182,124

Reserves: -0

The amount required from Coggeshall Council taxpayers: £182,124

Precept detail 2021/22


Village Hall (incl. capital expenditure):  £20,016

Administration: £97,381

Provision of Services and Grants: £59,073

Loan repayment: £6,187

Capital Expenditure (Excl. village hall): £500

Total Net Expenditure: £183,157

Reserves: -£6,338

The amount required from Coggeshall Council taxpayers: £176,819


Precept detail 2020/21


Village Hall (incl. capital expenditure):  £4,037

Administration: £82,601

Provision of Services and Grants: £89,573

Loan repayment: £6,190

Capital Expenditure (Excl. village hall): £5,500

Total Net Expenditure: £187,901

Reserves: -£19,502

The amount required from Coggeshall Council taxpayers: £168,399