District statistics

Braintree District is situated in the north of Essex.

We cover some 61,168 Hectares, around 236 square miles, of largely rural land.

We are one of England's largest districts, with three growing market towns and surrounding rural areas. Our district has more timber-framed buildings than anywhere else in the country.

You can get a full statistics profile for our district in 2019.

Viewers can create their own profile for local areas in England and Wales using Census 2021 data.


  • Health and Wellbeing

    General Health

    The general health of residents within Braintree show that 47.3% of people have very good health.

    Transport to Local Health Services

    According to the Department for Transport, Braintree District residents have slightly longer travel times to local services compared to the Essex average (19.4 minutes), with an average of 23.7 minutes by walking or public transport to 8 key services, the third highest time in the county. Average times to GP surgeries were estimated at just under 14 minutes, whilst hospitals were 60 minutes and were the fourth and third highest times in Essex. Access to a car reduced these travel times significantly to 8.5 minutes for GP surgeries and 30 minutes to hospitals. /p>

    Life Expectancy

    The average life expectancy at birth for a child born in Braintree (2015-2017) was 82.7 years for females and 80.2 years for males. This lower than the average for England for females (83.1 years) but slightly higher for males (79.6 years).

    Life expectancy at age 65 (the number of additional years a person could expect to live) was 20.6 years for females and 18.7 years for males; this is the (joint) lowest female life expectancy at 65 in the county.


    To find a number of activities that are taking place in Essex, including dementia-friendly activities and activities for new parents please visit Livewell.

    (Braintree JSNA Profile - 2019)

    (Office of National Statistics – Census 2021)

Full dataset

You can see full data sets on the ONS website.

To explain the data the ONS have published a bulletin on the rounded population and household estimates for England and Wales.

Essex data

Essex County Council have published some analysis of the 2021 data covering the whole county and showing the change from 2011.