Contact us

How to find us

Our address

Our offices are in Braintree, not far from the town centre.

Our opening hours are 9:00am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday. We close on bank holidays.

Causeway House
Bocking End

By car

There are short term on-street parking bays where you can park free for up to 1 hour. You cannot return to these spaces within 3 hours.

The nearest car parks to Causeway house are:

By bus

Causeway House is a five minute walk from Braintree Bus Park. You can look at First Essex to check which buses stop at Braintree Bus Park.

By train

The nearest train station to our office is Braintree.

You can look at National Rail to check the times of trains to and from Braintree Station.

The station is a fifteen minute walk from Causeway House.

By bike

There are bike racks at the rear of our offices.

Customer Services

Address: Causeway House,
Bocking End,

Telephone: 01376 552525