Leader of Council
Braintree District Council has adopted Executive (Cabinet) arrangements as permitted by the Local Government Act 2000 and operates with a Leader and Cabinet.
The Leader of the Braintree District Council is Councillor Graham Butland.
At our Annual General Meeting on 25th May 2023, the 49 elected Members appointed Councillor Graham Butland as the Leader and he is appointed for a four-year term of office.
The Leader of the Council allocates Executive (Cabinet) functions to:
- Himself
- the Cabinet
- a Cabinet Member under a Scheme of Delegation
- a Sub-Committee of Cabinet
- an Officer under a Scheme of Delegation
The Leader may appoint a Deputy Leader, who will exercise powers of the Leader when they are absent.
The Leader has appointed Councillor Tom Cunningham as his Deputy Leader.
The Scheme of Delegation to Cabinet Members is set out in Section 24 of Chapter four of the Constitution
The Cabinet
The Leader of the Council appoints the Cabinet, which cannot exceed 10 Members including the Leader. Members of the Cabinet are Councillors from the majority Political Group who form the Administration of the Council.
As of 22nd April 2024, the Cabinet consists of the Leader and six Cabinet Members. The Leader has also appointed 6 Deputy Cabinet Members who will provide assistance to the Leader and the Cabinet Members. Deputy Cabinet Members have been assigned to a named Cabinet Member and are the Lead Member for specific topics as determined by the Leader. One Deputy Cabinet Member has been assigned to two Cabinet Members. Deputy Cabinet Members have no decision making powers (Executive or otherwise) or voting rights.
The Leader divides Cabinet responsibilities into portfolios and allocates these to Members of the Cabinet.
There are seven portfolios which the Leader has assigned to one of the three Corporate Priorities of Transformation, Performance and Delivery; Connecting People Places and Prosperity and Supporting Communities. The Leader’s Portfolio has strategic oversight of the Cabinet Functions.
Cabinet Member Portfolios
Leader of the Council: Councillor Graham Butland
Deputy Cabinet Members: Councillor Richard van Dulken
Portfolio: Overall Strategy
- External Role at National, Regional & Local Level including joint working
- Lead on Business Planning, Performance & Corporate Strategy
- Devolution
- Corporate Communications & Reputation
- Corporate Consultation & Engagement
- External Strategic Partnerships and Relationships
- Emergency Planning
- Overall Vision & Strategic Direction
- Promotion of the District
- Communications
- Levelling up
- Cost of Living
- North Essex Alliance
- RAF Wethersfield site
- Electoral Administration
- To exercise the executive functions of any Cabinet Member in their absence, in an emergency or in any other circumstance where the Leader thinks it is desirable to act on any matter.
Corporate Priority: Transformation, Performance and Delivery
Councillor Tom Cunningham - Cabinet Member for Transformation, the Environment and Customer Services, and Deputy Leader
Deputy Cabinet Member: Councillor Diana Garrod - Lead Member for Climate Change and Sustainability
Portfolio includes:
- Transformation, including shared services
- Commercialisation
- Waste & Recycling
- Investment and Development Programme
- Customer Services Charter
- Contact Centre
- Climate Change
- Street Cleansing
- Parks & Open Spaces
- HR & Payroll Services
- Specific Major Projects relevant to the Portfolio
Corporate Priority: Connecting People Places and Prosperity
Councillor Kevin Bowers - Cabinet Member for Finance, Resources and Performance
Deputy Cabinet Member: Councillor James Coleridge - Lead Member for Risk Management and Members' Support
Portfolio includes:
- Budget – Revenue & Capital Spend
- ICT & Digital Services
- Highways
- Car Parks
- Treasury Management
- Member Support
- Property & Estate Management
- Asset Management & Strategy/Review
- Corporate Procurement
- Health & Safety, Insurance & Risk Management
- Corporate Governance
- Performance Management
- Revenues, Benefits & Welfare
- Specific Major Projects relevant to the Portfolio
Councillor Gabrielle Spray - Cabinet Member for Planning
Deputy Cabinet Member: Councillor Peter Schwier - Lead Member for Rural Issues
Portfolio includes:
- Planning & Neighbourhood Planning
- Local Plan
- Building Control
- Planning Enforcement
- Land Charges
- Street Naming
- Biodiversity
- Landscape Services
- Specific Major Projects relevant to the Portfolio
Councillor Frankie Ricci - Cabinet Member for Economic Growth and Infrastructure
Deputy Cabinet Member: Councillor Peter Schwier - Lead Member for Rural Issues
Portfolio includes:
- Economic Growth & Development
- Urban & Rural Regeneration
- Skills Including Apprenticeships
- Town Centres – Planning and Investment
- Locate Braintree including Tourism
- Inward Investment
- Cycling Strategy
- Strategic Transport & Infrastructure
- Digital Essex
- Specific Major Projects relevant to the Portfolio
Corporate Priority: Supporting Communities
Councillor Lynette Bowers-Flint - Cabinet Member for Housing, Health and Wellbeing
Deputy Cabinet Member: Councillor Billy Taylor - Lead Member for Leisure Services and Environmental Health
Portfolio includes:
- Environmental Health
- Strategic Housing Function
- Homelessness & Rough Sleeping
- Health & Wellbeing
- Leisure Services
- Older Persons & Ageing Well
- Social Mobility
- Welfare Reform
- Safeguarding
- Specific Major Projects relevant to the Portfolio
Councillor Mary Cunningham - Cabinet Member for Stronger Communities
Deputy Cabinet Member: Councillor Charley Dervish - Lead Member for Art, Hertiage, Culture and Sport & Children and Young People
Portfolio includes:
- Licensing Policy
- Art, Heritage, Sport & Culture
- Children & Young People
- Community Funding & Grant Schemes
- Community Development
- Policing Matters
- Community Safety
- Voluntary sector
- Equality & Diversity
- Community Facilities
- Rural Communities
- Armed Forces Lead
- Specific Major Projects relevant to the Portfolio
Details of Cabinet Meetings including Agenda and Minutes are published on the Council's website here
Updated: 25th April 2024