Committee Meetings
We set out the matters that will be covered by the meeting in the agendas and reports on the Committee section of our website.
We publish the agendas and reports for committees at least five clear working days before the meeting.
Viewing a committee meeting
Committee Meetings are held at Causeway House.
We continue to hold some non-decision making Committee meeting virtually.
We broadcast our Committee meetings live on our YouTube channel. These remain on our YouTube channel and can be viewed at anytime after the meeting has been concluded.
We hold our committee meetings in public. However, a committee may hold part of its meeting in private when they are discussing confidential information.
If we move the meeting move into private session, we will stop the broadcast on our YouTube channel while the private session takes place.
You can view the webcasts of those meetings held prior to May 1 2020.
Not all Committee meetings were webcast at that time. However you can view webcasts of:
- Full Council meetings
- Cabinet meetings
- Planning committee meetings
- Local Plan Sub-Committee meetings
We make webcasts of these meetings available for six months after the date of the meeting.
You can contact us if you need any more information about our Committees and meetings.