Inquiry for Land at North East Witham Phase 4, (in Rivenhall Parish), Witham

About the Inquiry

The Planning Inspectorate has received an appeal against a planning application submitted relating to a site at Land at North East Witham Phase 4, (in Rivenhall Parish), Witham.

The appeal is for outline planning permission with all matters reserved for up to 230 dwellings including affordable homes; public open space including sports pitches and facilities, neighbourhood equipped area for play, parkland and alternative natural greenspace, vehicular access via Forest Road and Evans way, a bus, cycle and pedestrian connection to Rickstones road, sustainable drainage systems, landscaping and all associated infrastructure and development.. The appeal has been made by Bellway Homes Limited.

The Secretary of State appointed a Planning Inspector.

The Inquiry was held on 06 December 2022 to determine this appeal.

The Inquiry was held virtually, via Microsoft Teams.

Appeal details

Planning Inspectorate Reference: APP/Z1510/W/22/3305099
Planning Inspectorate Case Officer: Tim Salter
Telephone: 0303 444 5520

Appeal decision

The appeal is allowed and planning permission is granted.

Read the full appeal decision