Inquiry for London Road, Kelvedon

About the Inquiry

The Planning Inspectorate has received an appeal against a planning application submitted relating to a site at Land to the north of London Road, Kelvedon.

The appeal is seeking outline planning permission, with all matters reserved, for a mixed use neighbourhood development comprising up to 300 dwellings, health centre, local retail area, care home, an early years and childcare facility, open space and landscape buffers, and supporting infrastructure that includes sustainable drainage and two accesses from London Road.. The appeal has been made by Mr Karl O’Brien of Barkley Projects LLP.

The Secretary of State appointed a Planning Inspector. 

The Inquiry will start at 10:00am on 10 January 2023 at the council offices to determine this appeal.

It has not been confirmed whether the Inquiry will be in person, or whether it will be a virtual event. This webpage will be updated once these details have been confirmed.

We will publish the decision on this webpage once it has been issued.

Inquiry Attendance Information

Prior to the commencement of the inquiry, if you would like to give your views as a third party, you must contact the Planning Inspectorate Case Officer.

You can contact the Planning Inspectorate Case Officer by phone or email.

You should read all of the Inquiry Attendance Information before contacting the Planning Inspectorate Case Officer.

You should also include the Planning Inspectorate reference in your email to the Case Officer.

Participation is at the Planning Inspector’s discretion.

Joining the Inquiry

Before deciding whether to take an active part in the inquiry, you need to think carefully about the points you wish to make.

All representations sent during the assessment of the planning application and appeal stage will be taken into account by the Inspector and re-stating the same points won’t add any additional weight to them.

If you feel that taking part in the Inquiry is right for you in whatever capacity, you can participate in a number of ways.

If you like to participate in the Inquiry, for example to give your views, you can do this too.

Appeal details

Planning Inspectorate Reference: APP/Z1510/W/22/3306479
Planning Inspectorate Case Officer: John Legg

Appeal document library