Remote hearings and democratic processes during a pandemic - Delegated decisions

Decision made by
Andy Wright, Chief Executive
Key decision
Source of delegation
Urgent Decision - Article 13 of the Constitution (February 2020)
The Chief Executive was invited to consider proposals to dealing with the barriers, risks and potential solutions for remote hearings during the current public health emergency, and decided to exercise the urgency powers granted to him by the Constitution to:1. identify and procure a suitable digital platform to be utilised for local authority meetings; 2. draft an addendum to the Council Procedure Rules addressing the practicalities of remote while the Government recommends that shielding, self-isolation and social distancing are maintained (i.e. in relation to voting, access to documents and facilities that can be employed to allow the meeting to be held remotely); 3. identify and prioritise Council and Committee meetings to be conducted via a digital platform; 4. issue guidance to officers and members on decision making via a digital platform; 5. identify the mechanism by which local councils will be able to publish their documents on the Council’s website; 6. confirm that the Council will not hold an AGM in the municipal year 2020 / 2021
Reason for decision
COVID-19 interim arrangements - Urgent Decisions taken by Chief Executive
Consultation and community engagement
Cabinet and Group Leaders were consulted
Date decision made
April 23 2020
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