- Reference
- DDN005
- Decision made by
Andy Wright, Chief Executive
- Key decision
- Source of delegation
Urgent Decision - Article 13 of the Constitution (February 2020)
- Decision
The Chief Executive was asked to exercise his urgency powers in relation to the making of a Local Development Order (LDO). This matter was considered to be time sensitive to ensure the furtherance of economic and social benefits arising from the proposed development at Horizon 120. Given the likely economic impacts arising from the ongoing situation with COVID-19, the planning system has an important role to play in helping to deliver growth and create jobs, both during the construction phase and after completion of the development. The matter was included on the agenda for consideration by full Council on 23 March 2020 (which was published on 13 March 2020) but the meeting was cancelled as a consequence of the public health emergency caused by Covid-19 coronavirus. The Chief Executive decided to: 1. Delegate to the Corporate Director of Growth the authority to make any minor changes to the final documents (LDO, Design Code and Statement of Reasons); 2. Adopt and publish the Horizon 120 Local Development Order, Design Code and Statement of Reasons as amended; 3. Authorise the Head of Planning to provide copies of the required documents to the Secretary of State (the LDO, Design Code and Statement of Reasons within 28 days of the adoption); 4. Authorise the Planning Development Manager to place the LDO, Design Code and Statement of Reasons on the Planning Register within 14 days of the date of adoption.
- Reason for decision
COVID-19 interim arrangements - Urgent Decisions taken by Chief Executive
- Consultation and community engagement
Member Development Evening - 6/2/2020, Planning Committee - 3/3/2020 and Cllr Mrs G Spray, Cabinet Member for Planning
- Date decision made
April 16 2020
- Contact us
You can contact us if you would like a copy of the record and supporting papers for this decision. Email governance@braintree.gov.uk